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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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First Draft of Essay 1

First Draft of Essay 1

Q Shitty First Draft of Essay 1: • Points 5 • Submitting a file upload According Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Pat Oliphant, the political cartoon is an art form that has been around for over 600 years, beginning with paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and Francisco de Goya. In a 2014 interview published in The Guardian and The Atlantic, Oliphant argues that humor is the power of the cartoon genre: “Humor makes things palatable and induces people to look at things they wouldn’t otherwise want to think about without the humor.” In this visual argument essay, we are going to explore the intersections of humor and argument in education related political cartoons. PROMPT: Choose ONE education themed cartoon from this file to analyze in a 3 or more page essay: cartoons for essay 1 302.docx Actions Your thesis will answer the questions: What is the education related argument of the cartoon? How do the words and images of the advertisement or cartoon work together to assert their position on education? First, describe the cartoon for the readers of your essay, making the assumption that they have not seen the cartoon. Then, use the questions from our Response Paper #3 to help shape and develop your analysis of the cartoon’s argument and the way that the words and images work together. Be sure to analyze the Aristotelian examples of ethos, pathos and logos in your cartoon. TYPING CONVENTIONS: You must double space, use MLA headers, black, 12pt Times New Roman font, and 1” margins. If you are interested in reading and/or using the article I referenced above, here is the citation for it: Daly, Les. "Legendary Cartoonist Pat Oliphant: 'We Are in a Forest Fire of Ignorance.'" The Atlantic,. (Links to an external site.). AUDIENCES: The real audience for this essay will be your peers and instructor. The imagined, intended audience for this essay will be other college students researching and writing about political cartoons or education related arguments. NOTE: All essays must be turned in in order to pass 302 at the end of the semester.

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Visualize there is a professor sitting on a chair, desk in front of him. The desk in placed in an open ground with mountains visible at a distance. There is a tall, large, tree with a thick stem just opposite the professor’s desk but at a distance. In between the tree and the professor’s desk there are animals and birds standing, facing the professor. There is a bird, a monkey, a penguin, an elephant, a goldfish in a glass bowl, a seal, and a dog. The instructor is seen giving this instruction to animals and birds: “For a fair selection everybody has to take the same exam: please climb that tree.”